
School Daze

So I checked out the calendar and just realized that in a week, I'll be back in class. Sitting in class. I hate sitting in class. It's boring as shit, but the mantra for the next couple of years?

I need to, for myself. I've let this drag on entirely too long and now I feel stuck. I have to shake out of this rut. Get rid of this over my head. My goal for this year is to bang through 2 years of school in a few semesters through CLEP and DANTES tests. They are pass/fail, with reasonably manageable minimum passing scores. Between the study guides and practice tests, I'm sure I can get through a lot of them and build up some credit for me to finish up. Definitely looking forward to my Intro to Women's Studies and Design Fundamentals classes. I'm glad I settled down and decided to just finish up at UNO, instead of skipping around. It'll take me having to cross enroll at Delgado to tap into their interior design program,  but that's ok. I don't mind so much. At the same time, I think I may take a look into the College of Interdisciplinary Studies, where I can tailor my learning plan to suit my career path. Hm...

I have to admit that I'm a bit apprehensive about getting back on campus. It's always a bit of a hassle to get to school. Perhaps I can try a different route, instead of the interstate the whole way. And parking, ugh. I have to get a decal this time around. No more tickets! I absolutely have to make sure to at least go to class as well. That's always been my flaw. Campus is just too close to the lake. However, slack no more. It's time to get my stuff together and finish up and focus on grad school and beyond. Ideally, I'd like to move to NYC, get my bearings and attend one of the design schools  - (PrattParsonsNYSID, or SVA.) Hence the internship with the Bearded Oysters. Katrina, the Mother Shucker, of the Oysters has already told me if I'm interested in working on portfolio pieces, or utilizing the Kolossos Organization to further my modeling portfolio, I can. This is going to be rad. But, my goals aren't going to be attainable if I don't get my ass in order and drive my GPA up up up!

Staying motivated will probably be my biggest challenge, but we'll see how it shakes out as long as I remember my mantra.


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